So during this journey I plan to make some postings of useful tips I run across and also while I study for CCNP Voice I will use the blog to help myself retain some information.
That being said. PowerShell is pretty cool, never thought I'd say that but I've run across some useful commands to help me extract data from the AD side of the house to compare against Unity.
If you're in our boat you have Lync but your AD forest is still old. That being said PowerShell against AD is then off limits. Unless you cheat and use Lync to get the information for you.
Export list of Users from Lync
Import-Module LyncWhat that lovely command above will do is, extract all the users from the OU in a nice Tab separated file on the desktop with the following fields: Account Name, First Name, Last Name, Primary Phone Number.
Get-CsAdUser -OU "ou=Users,ou=Location,dc=blah,dc=domain,dc=com" | Select-Object SamAccountName,FirstName,LastName,Phone | Out-File C:\Users\person\Desktop\users.txt
Stay tuned for more details as I lose my mind during the migration and cram some CCNP Voice knowledge in. First up is the CVoice book.
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