Friday, June 12, 2009

Applying CUCM Patches to CUCM 6.1

As we all know all software is broken from the day it ships. CUCM is no exception (Cisco Systems please don’t sue me I’m just stating a fact about bugs) so like all things there are patches. This will go over the process of getting the Patches and applying them to your CUCM server. You must have a valid CCO account and support agreement to legally follow this document.

Download the Update
1. Login to Cisco CCO.
2. Go to Support > Download Software *subject to change*
3. Voice and Unified Communications Software.
4. Use the new software delivery system.
5. Expand IP Telephony > Call Control > Cisco Unified Communication Manager (CallManager).
6. Click on Cisco Unified Communications Manager Version 6.1.
7. Click on Unified Communications Manager Updates.
8. In this case I’m going to select the latest release of 6.1(3b)SU1.

*WARNING* Now if you read the readme for 6.1(3b)SU1 which I highly recommend for all upgrades. You will notice that the upgrade path to 6.1(3b)SU1 is from 6.1.3x platform only. So if you are running 6.1.1 you will need to find the next upgrade before you can apply this one.

9. Go ahead and download the ISO file. I would recommend verifying the MD5 checksum to make sure there was no error in download. And Burn the disc.

Google md5sums it’s simple and allows you to drag and drop a file on it and it will calculate the MD5 hash for comparison on Cisco’s website.

Apply the Patch
1. On your CUCM server go to Cisco Unified OS Administration.

2. Go to Software Upgrades > Install/Upgrade.

3. We will be using the DVD/CD option that you burned. By the way it might be a good time to put this disc in the drive of the server you’re patching.
4. In Directory just put a / as the patches are on the root of the file system for the disc.

5. Click Next
6. It should now show the version available to upgrade. You can also select if you would like it to reboot the server once it is completed.
7. Click Next
8. You can now monitor the progress. Be advised this can take an hour + to complete. On my test CUCM server in a VM it took an hour and a half to patch with zero items in the DB. The more you have in your CMDB the longer this will take.

Kick back and watch the text scroll by. If all is well once this completes your server should restart and should reflect the new version on the logon page. This may also install new firmware for your phones so be advised they will all start updating as well. I would recommend blocking out a large segment of time for this upgrade depending on the size of your install.


  1. Any advice on a cluster-wide upgrade?

  2. Always start with your publisher, apply your updates restart the publisher. Once the publisher is back up update your subscriber.
